Forecasting is a hard problem that entails anticipating and understanding cause and effect relationships that underlie real world events. This is more than a signal analysis exercise, it requires an ensemble of experts, human and statistical, and both novel techniques and deferral to proven methodology.
We've built a fully custom and general ML/AI forecasting platform from the ground up that creates a unique trace of your problem and execution profile to generate accurate predictions that can be directly sourced back to your management, operations and planning teams and incorporated into your BI reporting.
This allows reproducible and stable prediction across hierarchical or cross-learning time series in multiple industries. Our original use case, retail, is a tough and competitive market. We provide fast and accurate daily sales forecast and stock out anticipation that adapts to events and changes in fashion trends.
Suitable for perishable goods and grocery stores, nonperishable goods such as clothing or fast moving consumer goods, hardware stores and pharmacies, or e-commerce websites, we continually improve the core models based on your use case.
However, in the spirit of pure forecasting and anticipating cause and effect structures in rich datasets, we can deploy our algorithms to extensive and advanced forecasting problems in
industries, such as insurance, sports betting and network security.
We construct comparative similarity models between new agricultural developments and existing growing regions around the world using historic weather and production data. Within this model, an investor can know better what to expect from a new orchard or field.
Predicting the expected week of market entry and the shift due to changing climate and immediate weather allows adaptation to production peaks in the global fruit and vegetable market, for example by shifting to the shoulders of peaks. This is relevant for orchard planning for permanent crops and for the date and location of planting for seasonal crops and is used by management, marketing and farmers.
Yield from the same orchard can change dramatically from year to year. Our continuous expected yield models help farmers, marketing and insurers manage the expected volume output of harvests.
We combine disparate and additive models for climate driven data science in agriculture.
We have selected projects in data science and analytics in finance.
We are pretty sure we can solve other relevant things by using mathematics.
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